Friday, July 24, 2009

Mallori's Visit.

Mallori came up Sunday night and left Thursday morning. It was a good week. We visited the aquarium and ate lunch at the Target cafe:) We got free pastries and bought used books. We discussed marriage and the idea of love. We sat on blankets at the park and enjoyed the cool weather. It was good.

She came at a good time. I was getting discouraged up here in Monterey. Discouraged that I would be alone for awhile. It was such a refreshing and encouraging visit. Leif and I were also able to go on a date. We kept it simple, dinner and a movie. It felt weird going out without Riley. But it was nice and needed.

Group photo at the aquarium
Riley loves the jellyfish
A lobster cake that Leif made
Beth and Mallori waiting for their turn.
Target Popcorn
Mallori and Riley

I have been really bad about updating the blog lately, about returning messages and comments, and emails. I'm sorry! I'm attempting to be a lot better:) I have exciting news and updates for the next post! Yay.

1 comment:

bt said...

i love you guys