Monday, June 22, 2009

Monterey Bay Aquarium on Father's Day

Sunday was my first Father's Day. Margaret and Riley took me to the Monterey Bay Aquarium, and we bought a family membership as my present. We weren't sure if Riley would even care about any of the fish/creatures, but she ended up loving it. The nice thing about having a membership is that you don't have to see everything in one visit to get your money's worth. We spent a couple hours there, which was about all Riley could handle, but we enjoyed every minute of it. Rather than talk about it, I'll just post some pictures. Also, if any of you plan on coming to visit, we're thinking of upgrading to the fancy membership which gets you two free guest passes you can use year round; so if anyone ever wants to come to the aquarium with us, just stop by Monterey some weekend and Riley will show you around the place. :)

Flounder's changing color.


Anonymous said...

Awesome, I like how she's so aware of what's going on.

Jen said...

Ooo, I've always wanted to go there!