Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Our Trip down South.

We took a little trip down to LA this past weekend for a family members wedding. It was a lot of fun. I always enjoy spending time with Leif's family and extended family. Before we made the trip down south, Leif's parents and sisters got to stay with us a few days. I was happy that Riley got to spend sometime with her grandparents and aunts that she doesn't get to see that often. I was also happy to be able to spend time with my in-laws.

We stayed with my family when we were in LA. That's always enjoyable. My mom watched Riley a couple of times when Leif and I hung out with my sister. I didn't get to visit my brother which I'm bummed about:( But hopefully in a few weeks he'll be making the trip up here! Leif and I got to visit our old church and spend sometime with friends from there. When we walked into the church someone came up to us and said "Welcome home". It really felt like we were coming back home. Its hard to know we won't be visiting the church for a few months. I wanted to tell everyone "See you next Sunday". Thankfully we have facebook and I can keep in touch.

The wedding was beautiful and I wish I had taken pictures. I spent a lot of time socializing, so taking pictures didn't really happen... During the whole trip. I do know that other people were taking pictures so maybe we'll get some? I didn't grow up around a lot of family so I love spending time with all of Leifs Aunts, Uncles, Grandmothers and cousins. I'm happy to have married into a big family and I love that Riley gets to experience that.

On another note: Isn't Riley getting big? I keep looking at her, trying to remember when she got taller and lost some of her baby rolls. Her two top teeth have come down and we think we can see another tooth on the side. Feeding Riley has gotten a lot easier since I can (for the most part) give her whatever food I'm eating. She still takes the bottle, but I'm giving her a sippy cup here and there. Her new favorite things to do are wave and clap. She's been cruising the furniture and lately has been standing without holding on to anything. Recently she developed a bit of separation anxiety, from Leif. Its cute and in the beginning I was a little jealous, but I realized she knows that I'm always there, no matter what. Leif on the other hand, isn't.

Oh and a few prayer requests please: Leif and I are in the process of considering buying a house up here, since we plan on staying three or more years. We need God's guidance and wisdom. I have a few photography gigs coming up and I just would like those to go smoothly:) And last but not least prayer that this pregnancy goes well! Thank you!

::I'm sorry I've been lacking in posts and pictures. Ive been trying to keep my computer use to a mininum and the time I am on the computer is catching up with friends via iChat or facebook chat, and/or skyping. I've been really bad about editing photos, returning messages and comments!::

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