Thursday, March 10, 2011

Gratitude Thursday

    There are a few things I'm grateful for today but something I really wanted to share was how thankful I am for the followers on my blog and the blogging friends I've made.  I've met some of the most caring and loving friends through my blog and I feel really blessed to know you guys! I love that I get emails from so many of you and I love that our relationships don't just stop at comments. I know I don't always do the best job responding, or commenting back so I appreciate you guys sticking with me and constantly checking in! It means the world to me!

  Another thing I've been thinking about today is the community that we've been surrounded with here in Monterey. I have been given some really great friends who are always more than welcome to help Leif and I out when we need it. Today is no exception. One of my best friends watched my kids for me while I got a CT, and she watches them often for me when I have an appointment, meeting or even a session. I appreciate how my friends are more than happy to help out and pitch in where needed. Its funny because I remember blogging about being so lonely and without a support system. Here we are now and I'm beyond thankful for each and every person who has been in my life here in Monterey and is. I truly believe that every person I've been friends with has changed my life one way or another. Thank you!

  Today I was also reminded why Leif is my husband. And I'm thankful thankful thankful for him!  I had my CT today and while I wasn't nervous I definitely was anxious to have some answers finally. Leif told me he'd be praying and that I should bring a bible and read James.  I didn't get to read all of it but I did read the part I think which was more important for this season in my life, and his.  I haven't blogged too much about what's been going on in our lives but we do feel as if we're in a season where if its not one thing its another. This verse is never one I tire of reading:

"Consider it all joy, my brethren, when you encounter various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces endurance. And let endurance have its perfect result, so that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing" James 1:2-3

  I could keep going but that's the bulk of what stood out to me today while I was in the waiting room.  I had the biggest sense of relief rush over me and I just wanted Leif to be there at that moment so I could thank him (and hug him!) for being the godly husband I and my parents prayed for and for being such a wonderful source of encouragement during this time.  It blows my mind that I'm married to Leif and that I get to go through not just the good times with him, but also the bad, with him always holding my hand.

 I am SO thankful today.

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