Since I haven't blogged in awhile its probably a good time for an update on our family and what's been going on around here. Leif and I are starting to prepare for Beck. We made a registry at Target, which is mostly for ourselves so we're able to keep track of the things we need. It feels like we just went through this yesterday. I didn't think we'd be looking for another crib so soon, ha. We went through all of Riley's old clothes because we knew we had a few things we could use for Beck. It was fun looking at the clothes Riley used to wear. I couldn't believe that she actually was able to wear those newborn clothes at one point. We're also in the process of trying to decide where and when school will fit into our lives. Leif has started to take classes in preparation for a Masters degree in Computer science and I've been trying to figure out what the best route to take in finishing up my degree would be. I'd like to start school back up at least half-time come Summer and Leif wants to start a program as soon as possible. We're doing a lot of praying and seeking:) God is good.
The pregnancy is still going well. I see the doctor every two weeks now. So excited about that! That means the end is near! My sciatic nerve isn't bothering me too much, mainly because I've been really consistent with exercising & stretching. I'm trying to get to the gym as often as I can and workout at home since I only have a few weeks left. Although I'm having a c-section, I still want my body to be as prepared as it can be for birth. My recovery from my c-section with Riley went really well because through out the pregnancy I was conditioning my body for giving birth. I'm hoping that this time around, it'll be just as good and quick! I'm also praying they send me home early like last time because hospitals aren't allowing children to visit if they're under the age of 18.
Riley has been changing a lot lately. She's become more attached, which is so foreign to me. I'm used to her having no problem being apart from me. She was always a little attached to Leif but now even more so. Stranger anxiety has finally kicked in, and while she doesn't cry when people she's not familiar with talk to her, she gets shy and really quiet. Its so different than when she was younger. I've never thought twice about leaving her in childcare at church but now she stands at the gate, whimpering and reaching up. It breaks my heart a little. Thankfully once we leave shes fine. I'm having a hard time adjusting to Riley being so attached to me, but I'm trying to be grateful that she wants to be close to me so much. Maybe shes just enjoying her last few weeks alone with mommy and daddy?
I think that update covers mostly everything. I miss blogging, but I am happy that I'm spending a lot less time online. I will attempt to blog a bit more before the baby gets here.
Glad things are going well with your pregnancy. Riley's little smile is priceless in that pic. Good luck on getting back in school!
She is so beautiful! Good luck with the rest of your pregnancy!
That's so sad that kids under 18 aren't admitted into the hospital. Would they make an exception for siblings of newborns? Sweet Riley deserves to see her baby brother Beck on his birthday!
It's so good that you two have familial support (each other)with going back to school. THat can be hard, wspecially with kids in the picture. Speaking of kids in pictures, yay Riley! She's so cute in that one :)
so glad you're doing well...and I love the name Beck. Love it.
my kids are 22 months apart...and they are really close...I think it has something to do with their ages!
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