Friday, February 19, 2010

My son.

I am head over heels in love with my little boy.

Although people tell you that you're able to love your second child as much as the first, its hard to imagine. I do know now that I love Beck as much as I love Riley. I adore him. I wish that I could have had Riley here with me when he was born. I want her to meet the little boy that's going to be her favorite playmate and best friend.

All day and night I've been waiting for him to open his eyes and spend some time with me. He has other plans though:) He's been asleep since his arrival. I don't mind too much. I loved when he was just laying on my chest breathing softly and moving every once awhile. I had forgotten juts how beautiful and wonderful these first moments were. I'm so blessed to be able to experience again!

When I saw him for the first time I was so proud. &I loved him even more than I already did. I couldn't believe that I was this beautiful boys mommy. He was mine! I think part of me expected him to look just like Riley but I knew he'd look like Beck. And he does. According to everyone this means he looks like Leif. Which makes me laugh because according to most people Riley looked like Leif as well. Either way both my children are perfect and created in God's image. Amazing.

Right now Beck is in the nurseryand its just me and Leif in the room. I'm missing Beck and I'm missing Riley so much. I'm looking forward to when I get to go home and be with both my children. I can't even begin to fathom how wonderful that'll be. God is such a great God... Its hard for me to look at my children and not thank Him for His goodness.


Unknown said...

so precious :) Congrats!!!

Rania said...

I know newborns change every other day and look like one parent one day, the other the next and then grandpa Joe another day (lo) but right now, in that picture, at that moment I saw all Riley. :)

Congratulation to you, Lief and big sister, Riley! He's precious and perfect.

Ms. J said...

Congrats!! He is SO perfect!!

Patty said...

This is very precious! Thanks for sharing!!

Mama E said...

He is simply beautiful! I am so happy to hear things are going well! These posts from the weekend make my heart happy :)